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      На 3 и 4 юни 2023г. в град София, в Сити Марк Арт Център се проведе международна конференция „Докосни света „Извън мрежата“, организирана по проект  „Out of the Net“ - Erasmus + Programme, Strategic Partnership 2020-1-PL01-KA201-082223, съфинансиран от ЕС, който се реализира от 7 партньорски организации от държавите Италия, Испания, Литва, Полша, Португалия, България. Конференцията е насочена към педагогически специалисти от формалното и неформално образование – учители, директори от училища и детски градини, педагози от ЦПЛР, РУО, общини, НПО, представители на академичната общност.

      Фокусът на проекта „Извън мрежата“ е върху предотвратяване на социалното отчуждение, в частност синдром на Хикикомори, чрез пилотиране на педагогически модели, насърчаващи груповите взаимодействия в реалния живот и създаващи климат и среда, в които всеки може да изрази личния си потенциал и да развие социални умения, с ученици на възраст от 8 до 13 години, с включване на различните социални фактори - училище, извънучилищни дейности, семейство. На конференцията представители на партньорските организации по проекта чрез доклади и работилници ще представят различни аспекти на социалната изолация Хикикомори и добри практики на различни образователни интервенции за осъзнато използване на интернет и за превенция на социалното отчуждение чрез творчески и социализиращи дейности. Бяха разгледани теми като:

  • въздействието на екрана върху младите хора;

  • първите сигнали за социално отчуждение;

  • превантивни мерки и интервенции за баланс и здраве;

  • ефективна семейна и междуличностна комуникация;

  • насърчаване на житейски ценности и нагласи, свързани с уважение и зачитане на различието, чувство на споделяне и принадлежност.

Програма на уъркшоп

на партньорите от Дирекцията по образование на автономното правителство на Кастилия и Леон (Испания), на тема: "Работа със семейства в училищен контекст"

Ключови говорители и теми / Key Speakers and Topics
  • Maria A. Blanco González, Educational Advisor at the Educational Department of Castilla and León Region. Specialist in Therapeutic Pedagogy. Psychopedagogist and coordinator of EU projects linked with equity and inclusion in the region

      Topic: The role of the family on the detection and prevention of hikikomori

  • Ana Mª Pecharromán, Psychologist, degree of advanced studies in PhD program "Psychological development, learning and education" by the Autonomous University of Madrid. Member of the Educational and psycho-pedagogical guidance team in the province of Segovia

      Topic: Hikikomori: an interdisciplinary approach to a multifactorial situation

  • Mercedes Méndez Fernández, Psychopedagogist and Specialist in Therapeutic Pedagogy, Member of the Valladolid's Students with behaviour disorders Care and counselling Team

      Topic: Hikikomori: an interdisciplinary approach to a multifactorial situation

  • María Ángela San  Victoriano Huertas, Specialist on Social Community Services, Member of the Educational and psycho-pedagogical guidance team in Salamanca

      Topic: Hikikomori: an interdisciplinary approach to a multifactorial situation

  • Jesús Ángel Ramos Valderrey, Pedagogist, specialist in coaching, neuro-linguistic programming and Emotional Intelligence, Member of the Educational and psycho-pedagogical guidance team in the province of Burgos

      Topic: Hikikomori: an interdisciplinary approach to a multifactorial situation

  • Eleonora Concina PhD, researcher at the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy, and Applied Psychology of the University of Padua. She carried out academic activity as a research fellow at the FISPPA Department of the University of Padua

  • Sara Frate PhDpsychologist and research fellow at the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy, and Applied Psychology University of Padua. She obtained my PhD in teacher training and especially in ICT by analyzing metacognitive processes in online environments. Her research interests also concern sustainability and teacher professional development

  • Marco Pavin, graduated in guitar at the conservatory and in physics at the University of Padua, concert artist of avant-garde music. Currently a doctoral student in pedagogical sciences, he carries out research in the field of musical improvisation teaching. - Workshop activity with music

  • Chiara Patronella, graduated in psychology and music education for disabilities, she's specialised in music therapy and a first-year doctoral student in pedagogy. She works as an educator and project music teacher. - Workshop activity with music

  • Associate professor Irina Mishkova- Yotova, DIUU - Sofia. The shared good practice describes specific features of the nature and activities that accompany the existence of professional players in eSports, and provides an overview of behavioral deficits typical of this community. Some of them are perceived as labels that are imposed for the community of gamers and are not perceived as truths by them. The perception and interpretation of these labels will be presented in particular by a specific professional player who will share the opportunities and decisions he makes in order to fight against the imposed dogmas and labels

  • Pavel Yotovprofessional player of the video game LOL (League of Legends), 1st year student majoring in "Cybersecurity" at Gabrovo Technical University. Experience: Barsa eSports – Spanish regional league, Inside Games – Czech regional league, Panathinaikos eSports – Greek regional league.

  • Jurgita Vaitiekuniene, Panevezys District Education Center Director. The EU project coordinator tends to respond to national educational priorities, school needs and individual teacher preferences, and to realize the vision of a lifelong learning society - Good Practices in Lithuania

  • Filip Kaszyński, Teacher, educator in a special school, sociotherapist, lecturer, social rehabilitation pedagogue. In the face of the threat of exclusion from social life. Prevention and relationship-based prevention – a factor supporting the child and family Complex of Schools and Special Institutions (ZSiPS),  Kraków (Poland)

  • Stefano Cobello - Good strategies for recognizing alienated symptoms (Hikikomori)

  • Elena Milli

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